Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Milton Friedmans The Free Market Theory - 1312 Words
Milton Friedman bases his opinion on businesses and profit maximization on the foundation of free enterprise. â€Å"The free market theory believes that business managers have only one primary responsibility, which is to maximize profit; also, the theory tells that government should not involve in economic matters, except to prevent fraud and coercion†(p. 7) Mr. Friedman argues that a corporation, unlike a person, cannot have responsibility. I disagree with this notion. I don’t think that anyone would engage in a business contract with a corporation if they thought that a corporation was not responsible to pay its bills. So therefore, a corporation can have legal, and moral responsibilities. Milton Friedman uses what, to me, is the key phrase as long as it stays within the rules of the game but does not define the phrase in terms of the legal system. My question is what about the rules of the game that are not so much as even suggested in the law? There are other rul es that companies have to follow if they want to be successful; such as the obvious supply and demand rules in the marketplace. Also, as we have seen with the production of new ideas and technologies, the law follows progressions in technology and thinking. But the principle of responsibility leads the legal cases being decided. Being compliant with the law may keep them out of court, but companies know that holding themselves accountable to a higher standard will keep them in a good place with their customers,Show MoreRelatedCritique of Milton and Rose Friedman, Free to Choose.1587 Words  | 7 PagesEssay question: Milton Friedmans claims that ‘voluntary exchange is a necessary condition for both prosperity and freedom. Carefully examine the assumptions about ‘power, ‘choice and ‘market efficiency that underpin his claim. Give reasons for your agreement or disagreement with him. 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Croom Helm Ltd. 199-202 This source explains the positive aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility. Michhael Beesle and Tom Evans explore the beneficial aspectsRead MoreInsight From Theory And History1638 Words  | 7 PagesEssay 1 Insights from Theory and History When referring to the subject of International Political Economy the main focus of study in this field looks at analyzing and finding reasons for the problems that arise or are affected from the interaction of international political decision, international economics, international trade, as well as different social systems and societal groups. Over the course and development of these systems prominent figures of economic theory and government interactionRead MoreThe Economic And Political Challenges Of The 60s And 701519 Words  | 7 Pagestheir decisions of today. One of the most influential economists who emerged in the sixties was Milton Friedman, who fought against the establishment’s Keynesian view and many of the policies of FDR. He won a Nobel Prize in 1976 for his work on monetary policy with specific beliefs in controlling the federal debt, keeping inflation low, and maximizing the benefits of the economy through a lassiez-faire market. His publications influenced many of Regan’s policies of deregulation and tax cuts and most
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